Is it racist or 'far right' wing to be concerned about the level of immigration into the UK, most particularly England?

First, let me tell you about my experiences with "bloody foreigners":

At Middlesex Polytechnic in 1976, now Middlesex University, I studied Civil Engineering. Because of the importance of this subject to the developing world about 40% of the students in the class were from beyond our shores. For some reason, during the second week of the term, the students were required to appoint a class representative. Having spent much of the first week having to endure compulsory presentations by numerous know-it-all student presidents of various societies ranging through women's issues, how to save all of Africa from disease (the solution, apparently being a march through Enfield town centre) gay rights, etc., I had had my fill of the politics of the righteous, so the issue of voting for class president did not concern me. I just wanted to know how to work a theodolite.

To my surprise I was approached by a very tall and imposing Egyptian student who asked me if I would be prepared to put my name forward as all the foreign students wanted a credible candidate to oppose the ginger-tosser who was the white boys' preferred candidate.

I lost, of course, and the 'junior Far Right' ginger boy won.

In the late 1980s I was running my company manufacturing and installing specialist lacquerwork furniture all across London. One particular year I was simultaneously making bespoke items for the Iraqi foreign minister, an Iranian designer, El Al Airways office in Regent Street and Thai Airlines in Dover Street. I had absolutely no interest in the nationality of my customers as long as they had money.

After a couple of UK-wide financial crises I found myself growing cannabis by 2000. My main distributor for many years was an Afro Caribbean guy.

All in all, I think my political views are neither left nor right. They are dead centre. Nevertheless, I believe the scale of UK immigration since the Blair government years is now having a catastrophic effect on England, and as the most powerful province of the UK, that inevitably means the country as a whole.

Some basic facts and figures

The UK population in 1980 was 56,250,000 people. Today it is 67,960,000, an increase of about 11,710,000 (21%). Without immigration the population would be about 50,000,000, a decrease of 11%. So without any immigration the population would be 32% smaller than it is today.

And therein lies the reason for the secret policy, followed by all governments, to allow immigration. The birthrate across Europe is falling, particularly among the 'middle classes' who are strapped for cash and would rather drive new cars and enjoy overseas holidays than have the cost and inconvenience of numerous children.

Follow the money

So why not just have an immigration policy that allows a set number of 'approved' people to settle in the UK? The answer, I suggest, is a kind of reversed colonialism. The British, mainly the English, once went out on to the high seas and seized any country they thought was valuable, or maybe they just fancied. "The Bahamas seems nice!" After the second world war when it was indefensible to hold on to countries we had invaded while at the same time destroying Germany for doing so, the English divested themselves of most of the lands they had acquired. That policy left England significantly poorer.

The Blair government's solution to the problem was to invite all the people from India, Pakistan, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, the Caribbean and anywhere else not mentioned, to come and live here. By doing so the secret English Establishment gets all the advantages of controlling, taxing and generally owning all these people without the inconvenience and expense of funding an army to travel around the world to enslave them.

The population is projected to grow to 77 million* in the next 20 years, which means many more customers for big businesses such as Tesco (owned by people who live in Israel) and Aldi (owned by people who live in Germany) and the many construction companies throwing up thirty storey glass 'luxury apartments' east of London as far as Southend.

Living space

Most immigrants choose to settle in England where the overall population density is 438 people per square kilometre. This makes England the second most densely populated country on Earth, second only to The Netherlands.

Worse still, most immigrants head for the London area. The population density for south east England is 487 people/ sq km and in London, depending on the borough, the figures are between 20,000 and 25,000 people/ sq km.

As a consequence of continued heavy immigration 1,800,000 new homes will need to be built in London alone.

In 1984 (when I lived in London) the population was 6,709,000. Today (2024) it is 9,748,000, an increase of 45%.

Immigration into the UK is about a lot of issues: global conflict, insecurity and poverty; improved communications; improved transportation — none of which I am going to go into in detail. I accept I am only dealing with the English aspect. Nevertheless, I think it is important to make some effort to gather together facts and figures.

I am now going to deal with emigration.

This section of my website is still under construction.

Why does this figures matter?

Self sufficiency and sustainability

Transport, freedom of movement


Utilities and supply


Quality of life / freedom


I had a call from a polling company asking if I would participate in a survey of views and political preferences. I said "yes". The first two questions were inoccuous enough but question three was about my earnings. I answered that I do not give out financial information over the phone. The female pollster hung up without another word.

Opinion polls are not accurate for many reasons. Only people with time on their hands participate. Also, people give the answers that correspond to the public image they wish to project.


In the 1980s the CIA reported to President Ronald Reagan that, in the forthcoming election, the Thatcher government would fall to a Neil Kinnock led Labour landslide. The opposite happened. The Conservatives won with a landslide majority.

The CIA had been taken in by the chattering class media and overheard conversations in pubs. The media pundits inhabit their own strange little world and the general public tells lies.
